Poor Posture Due To Prolonged Working From Home Can Affect Your Spine

Posted on 1 Jul 2022

The human body is a wonder in its own right. An average adult human body contains 206 bones and approximately 360 joints, which work tirelessly together to help us sit, stand, and move our arms and legs. Thus, it is important to watch out for and understand the warning signs one might experience and have them treated without delays. Every year, August 4 is marked as National Bone and Joint Day to create awareness and spread the message about the importance of various orthopedic ailments which could cause severe disease, disability and hamper its performance.
The pandemic and lockdown have confined us at home, where we end up working non-stop, with a drastic change in sleep and eating patterns. After prolonged working from home with bad posture, your spinal cord could bear the brunt, warn experts. Dr S Dilip Chand Raja, Orthopedics and Spine Surgeon, Fortis Hospital, Chennai says that there has been a tremendous increase in the number of patients especially the working age group for back pain ever since the work from home came into effect. “Bed, couches, kitchen table or sofa – all practically turned into working desks. This affects posture and takes a toll on the spine.” He adds that the same goes for kids who are glued to screens because of online classes. “Online classes have given them the comfort of studying while sitting or lying on their bed and there is no such physical activity which could result in obesity and posture related back pain.”

According to a study, around 40 per cent of adults complain about pain in their necks while 30 per cent talk about their back pain, which occurs due to improper posture leading to disc prolapse, a condition where the disc slips out and compresses the nerve, causing pain and disability.
Dr Raja warns about the potential red flags for back pain which require immediate attention by your medical practitioner:
1. Trauma
2. Fever, bowel or bladder incontinence
3. Unexplained weight loss
4. A cancer history
5. Long-term steroid use
6. Parenteral drug abuse
7. Intense localised pain
8. Inability to get into a comfortable position
9. Numbness or weakness of limbs
10. Gait disturbance
"Any type of swelling associated with redness, tenderness and discharge are major signs related to bone and joint pain, then seek immediate attention," says Dr Raja. He emphasises on having a proper, balanced meals that include antioxidants such as onion, ginger, garlic and turmeric and flavonoid-induced fruits and vegetables such as apples, tomatoes, and gooseberries. These minimises the chances of bone and joint issues. A good healthy and regular physical activity help in reducing the chances of accelerated ageing process and keeps your bones and joints flexible and healthy.

Original Article: Poor Posture Due To Prolonged Working From Home Can Affect Your Spine

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